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    Sunday, 25 October 2009

    Clock go back - railway tracks....

    Evening goths/freaks/emos/punks/loners but never losers

    It's dark outside. It's been dark for hours. Kelly Jones once sang, 'clocks go back, railway tracks, its' that time of year again'. it's a pointer. One of those blots on the landscape that time our year. B'day. Xmas. Clocks forward, Clocks back, school out, school back, summer holidays. Halloween, bonfire night. yeah, it's a marker. But it's a bit more significant for this significant other. It signals change. Change is a coming. I keep needed to open doors in the house, to leave windows wide open. To turn the heating off. I look at the rain and hope it's sleet. yeah, it's wish fullfillment time. I want it cold. I want to see snow. I want it to sink into my skin and numb the pain. tonight on BBC 2 ray mears heads to Canada. Maybe he's right. maybe McCandless was right. Maybe Jack London Was right. The cold is a harsh and bitter mistress but when she kisses you feel her pull forever.

    D x (defiance of god)

    Monday, 19 October 2009

    What would Bill Murray Do?

    Evening goths/freaks/loners/emos/punks but never losers

    Life goes on don't it? That's the weird and v annoying thing, no matter how ***ked up yr own life is at any time, the world just carrys on regardless.....You can lie in yr bed crying 4 hours, or sleep in till noon each day, just hoping that things go away, but **it sandwhich. they don't. It's always there when you stumble outta bed and log on. It's hard not to buckle under sometimes - when you want it to go away, and ho hum, it's basically just one long big repeat scene from Groundhog day. Dunnoh. I ask myself, just what would Bill murray do? Reporter....he'd go to bed, wake up and get on with it, in his own way. Therein lies my session i guess.

    Clearly the monday blues have gotten me, but that being said, i spend so much time looking for answers, wanting my troubles to go away, or if not go away for good, just pause for a day or two. And there it is, each time I spend days hoping and hoping - it never happens.

    Me thinks the positive energys being trapped. I'm spending too much time worrying about **it I can't influence. But then again I spend so much time wishing I was somewhere cold, I dream of snow, I miss the feeling of ice cold breathe and the snap of the my lungs as the ice bites hard. Wasn't there snow and ice on the ground in Groundhog day - yeah there was!

    All in all, i've got one weapon. Music as art, art as protector. Not much of a shield - but where's theres hope there's life.

    D x

    Friday, 16 October 2009

    Life is elsewhere no more - it's HERE!

    Evening goths/freaks/emos/punks loners but never losers

    Quite a hard couple of weeks of late. You may have noticed some changes in the world around you... that being said, I've decided to try and live life to the full, no more angry self loathing myself. Now it's time to make a ***king difference.

    Next year I wanna play Swn Festival. Next year we're gonna do a live set on national radio. Next year we're gonna make a difference.

    I'm here just the once so I'm gonna do everything I can to make a ***king go of this life. No more procrastination - I think - no more - life is elsewhere (milan kundera) ***k that. Life is here, it's here for the taking and here for the living.

    Rant over. 3 new songs live - VERY rough demos - but in the spirit of the Sex Pistols, Nirvana, Young Marble Giants, it's up - up to show willing, to show the spark of a fire that never wants to die.

    D x (defiance of god)