Evening all, goths, punks, freaks, loners but never losers....
Sometimes things don't go to plan. today was one of those days. stuck in a mutha of a traffic jam just to get into Cardiff. nvg. then just kinda got worse.
days like these, you learn to hope 4 better. guess we all have them. i'm having them more and more these days....
what does that mean? 2010 is a bad year. I'm a bad person? Conflicting emotional patterns between self and those I care 'bout. Dunnoh, all i know is that i keep hoping that things will get better. Life would be so much easier with faith, but for those like us without a higher power to guide us through the pavements and sidewalks it's all a matter of try , try try again. Maybe tomorrow I'm gonna paint over the cracks in the pavement....
Cheer up - sunshine..... yeah I know....wallowing in this don't make anyone happier...
listen to the music - it's angry as hell and hey, where there's energy there's hope. www.myspace.com/defianceofgod
D x